Obtaining information about your prospects and customers is one of the main challenges of marketing. It is indeed by better identifying the needs, but also the interests and concerns of its audience that one can effectively increase its conversion rate and revenue. According to a study published in 2019 by CSO insights, if only 19% of companies dynamically adapt their internal processes to the customer journey, they are however the ones that have increased their turnover the most (+17%)!
This figure implies a direct link between sales performance and the evolutionary adaptation to the customer journey. Among the tools that allow companies to better understand the behavior of their prospects, tracking holds a prominent place.
What is document tracking and how can it improve your business performance? The answer with Sweet Show.
Definition of tracking
Web tracking: analyze the activity of your website's users
Web tracking is the most well-known and widespread tracking practice, which consists of placing tracking code in the source code of a website to monitor user activity on each page of the site. To set up tracking on your site, you need to use a statistical tracking tool, such as Google Analytics. The tracking code, or "tracker", inserted into web pages is known as a "cookie", which users are free to accept or decline.
Mail tracking, to know if your mailings are read or not
The tracking mail is to insert an element in the emails sent, whose loading will be automatically counted by your tracking tool. This technique allows you to be informed of each mail opening. However, it is difficult to know, with such a technique, if the mail has really been read or only opened automatically and then deleted. In the same way, the elements included in the mail and used for tracking can be blocked: in this case the mail will be read, but no notification will be sent.
Document tracking: keep an eye on what your prospects are reading!
Document tracking is the same process, but applied to documents you send by email to your customers and prospects, or to elements that can be downloaded from your site, such as a white paper. A URL shortener or the use of URL tagging allows you to know if the documents you make available to users are fulfilling their purpose or not. This method is more reliable than simple email tracking, which doesn't tell you if the shared documents are opened.
What kind of information can a tracking tool provide?
Tracking makes it possible to collect all kinds of information, the analysis of which gives companies a clearer view of the effectiveness of their marketing and sales techniques. Tracking provides information on :
- the opening rate of the emails and documents you send;
- the click rate on shared items;
- the geographical distribution of your prospects.
An advanced tracking strategy will allow you to make a more detailed analysis of the data collected. Some tracking tools offer access to a second level of information, complementary to the first. You can thus know :
- how many times a person opens your documents ;
- how long a prospect stays on your documents;
- how well your customer has read the document you sent them.
The data collected by the tracking tool and its understanding can be beneficial to all teams. Collaboration between Sales and Marketing includes sharing crucial information like this!
What are the advantages of tracking?
Wait for the right moment to contact or follow up your prospects
Timing is everything in marketing: tracking allows you to better discern the ideal moment to send an offer, a phone call proposal or additional content to a prospect. Tracking your emails and documents tells you when they have been opened, so you don't have to send a follow-up when the prospect hasn't even seen your offer!
Find the best angle to approach your prospect!
Having access to the time your recipient spends on each email and on each document sent allows you to learn a lot about their motivations and their interest in your offer. If he stayed longer on a page of your commercial presentation or if he opened this document more than others, it is not insignificant! You can then take this information into account during your next contact with the prospect.
A golden opportunity to properly qualify your leads!
Better understanding your prospects means having the opportunity to better qualify your leads: an opportunity that should never be underestimated. Indeed, a tracking tool revealing the rate of opening, reading and clicking on each document sent tells you a lot about the degree of commitment of your prospect. For example, you can organize the following more efficiently your sales follow-up strategyBy assigning each lead a priority level that corresponds to reality.
Sweet Show : for an intelligent tracking
If the concept of tracking is quite simple, its repercussions can be monumental for companies that know how to use it. But to do so, you need to have the right tracking tool in your hands! Sweet Show is an application that allows you to quickly personalize your content for your prospects, track all kinds of mailings, but also analyze in detail the data generated by this tracking.
Have you always wanted to measure the performance of your commercial content? Try the Sweet Show solution!