To ensure its sustainability, a company must constantly expand its customer portfolio and, to do so, it can rely on its sales team. Indeed, the role of the sales representative is to convert prospects into customers, using tools to help with conversion and sales, notably the sales presentation. The challenge of this exercise is to convince the prospect that your commercial offer will provide real benefits! Did you know that the commercial offer counts for 35% in the purchase decision ? It is therefore important to highlight it during your sales meeting and to offer a successful presentation!
However, the art of convincing through a sales presentation is not so simple. Identifying the customer's needs, personalizing the speech, creating a captivating and relevant support, practicing storytelling or even interacting with the prospect: Sweet Show gives you the key points to make a successful sales presentation!
1 - Identify the prospect's needs before the sales presentation
First of all, it is necessary to identify the prospect's needs, expectations and obstacles, as well as the problem to which you will provide a relevant solution. You must put yourself in the prospect's shoes and think about the problem that may be theirs. You must then focus on solving it and seeing how your solution, your service or your product can remedy it. A sales presentation must emphasize the notion of added value for the customer: adapt to their needs!
In addition, to help you define your target and its problem or obstacle, you can develop personas.
2 - Define your objectives in relation to the sales presentation
Before the sales presentation, you must define your objectives so that you don't lose focus during the presentation and stay organized. To do this, you can write down and prioritize your objectives . To define them, ask yourself:
- what are the arguments to put forward;
- What type of information would you like to have at the end of this presentation;
- What level of qualification of the prospect do you want to achieve;
- how much you want to stand out from the competition.
3 - Create a creative and convincing sales presentation
A sloppy presentation that does not live up to your business proposal will give a bad image of you and your work! To avoid this problem, focus on presentation slides, creativity and professionalism. Indeed, the form of your presentation should enhance the prospect's experience and turn him into a customer. So make sure you use :
- relevant presentation tools: PowerPoint, Word, PDF, Google slides ;
- interfaces that offer professional, fast, personalized, inspiring and creative presentation tools;
- qualitative content: images, videos, illustrated key data, logos, graphic elements, etc. ;
- attractive content with different fonts and colors.
4 - Write your presentation slides clearly
Your business presentation slides should be clear and concise so as not to lose your audience during your pitch. To do so, use a synthetic plan to make the presentation more simple and credible:
- an introduction with company data or key market figures to show your expertise and knowledge of the subject;
- an exposition of the prospect's problem, his expectations, his obstacles to show that you have understood him;
- a solution integrating the benefits of the product you propose;
- the product to be promoted and its advantages;
- the price of such a solution;
- a conclusion.
5 - Be brief and to the point during your sales presentation
The most important thing in a sales presentation is to get to the point and not drown your message in information that the prospect will consider useless. To help you structure your speech, focus on three key messages to ensure that your audience will remember what you say.
6 - Make the complex simple to ensure commercial success
The art of convincing your audience is not easy! Putting your offer in a situation by explaining the application cases of some of your customers will help you to enhance the value of your solution and the prospect will be able to project himself more with your product. To do this, and to remove the prospect's obstacles, we advise you to use simple terms and a clear discourse, because you don't know the level of knowledge of your interlocutor and losing him with terms that are too technical would be counterproductive.
7 - Storytelling to enhance your business proposition
Finally, storytelling is also the art of creating surprise: the use of videos, silences and twists are important points to maintain attention and ensure the impact of your presentation. In this TedX, Nancy Duarte explains "the secret structure of the best pitches of the world's great speakers" based on university research.
8 - Prepare your sales pitch
After presenting the advantages of your product, it is important to transform all these elements into benefits for the customer! Preparing your sales pitch in advance is the key to removing obstacles and deflecting objections more easily. In addition, the CAB method (characteristics, advantages, benefits) will be your ally in structuring your sales pitch!
9 - Adopt a professional attitude
In order to put all the chances on your side, the commercial speech must be professional and eloquent to send a good message to the prospect. Both verbal and non-verbal communication are very important:
- use a calm and enthusiastic tone;
- don't memorize your presentation and be natural;
- show that you have confidence in yourself: avoid having a shifty look or lowering your head;
- don't cross your arms and adopt a more relaxed, yet professional posture;
- occupy the space by moving around the room.
It is also very important to know how to create moments of silence and exchange by asking questions in order to get feedback and interact with the prospect. This will allow you to adopt a more participative discourse and to respond to any objections from prospects.
10 - Conclude with panache
In order to leave a good impression on your prospects, you should conclude your presentation with ease. To achieve this, all you have to do is :
- Summarize the main points of your presentation to anchor in the mind of the prospect the message you want to convey above all else;
- present an offer specifically designed for the prospect
11 - Prepare your sales presentations with Sweet Show
Sweet Show is a sales support application that centralizes all the contents that sales people need for their presentations. Indeed, this interactive application allows you to choose content bricks in order to quickly create convincing and personalized sales presentations: it's up to you to combine your contents to impress your audience!
Moreover, if the key word for a successful sales presentation is personalization, Sweet Show strives to leverage the benefits of atomic content and the relevant use of prospect data to accelerate your sales, measure lead interest and refine your sales and marketing strategy!
If personalization is at the heart of the sales presentation: choose Sweet Show and atomic content to give all the keys to your sales representatives and make your product sales take off