Digitalizing Sales Appointments: The 3 Key Points to Maximize Your Success

If there is one thing that 2020 will have brought, it is a necessary explosion of telecommuting and a real revolution in the way we work and sell.

Staying at home, keeping your distance from others... instructions that make us rethink the way we approach appointments, especially when we are used to thinking that face to face meetings are the key to finalizing a sale.

The ups and downs of screen-based sales meetings

During two months, we were able to test more videoconferencing solutions than during our entire professional life. Nevertheless, whatever the tool used, we all experienced more or less the same situations, not always comfortable:

- the person who can't connect,
- the highly variable connection qualities,
- the noise of each other's environments,
- the muted microphones and lack of interaction,
- etc.

Videoconferencing requires preparation, adaptation and often also patience!

Beyond the technical hazards, remote meetings confront us with situations that can be destabilizing. A poorly prepared screen sharing can quickly send negative signals to an interlocutor (misplaced tree structure, misnamed files, confidential folders...).

Presenting your screen, not seeing the person you are speaking with and their reactions, does not give any indication of their interest in the presentation and can be disorienting.

There is nothing more unpleasant than to leave an appointment and not know in concrete terms what impact the appointment had on the client's potential adoption!


Sweet Show gives you 3 keys to professionalizing your remote sales meetings and turning your sales into reality.

1. Prepare and rethink your remote sales meetings!

A remote meeting should not be a duplication of a face-to-face meeting, where the only difference would be the screen that separates you from your interlocutors! A good remote meeting is prepared differently.

First of all, by anticipating the tool to be used: think of making your invitations beforehand in order to raise potential connection concerns among your interlocutors.

During a videoconference meeting, the timings are different from those of face-to-face meetings. Everyone being in a different environment, attention is much more reduced and concentration less: beyond 45 minutes, you have great chances to lose your interlocutors!

Try to synthesize your sales presentation as much as possible, make it dynamic and do not exceed 30 minutes if possible in order to leave time for discussion at the end of the meeting. If your presentation requires more time, have regular exchange times and avoid monologues, or even plan a break in the middle of the meeting!

2. Create a dedicated environment for each sales meeting

If your business meeting involves sharing your screen, anticipate it! Prepare any documents that might be useful, open relevant web pages and clean up your desk!

Put yourself in the place of your interlocutor and remove everything he doesn't need to see. What they see on your screen, the arrangement of files, the naming of files, will inevitably have a strong impact on the overall perception they have of you.

In the same way, the fact that you search for your files all over the place may give the impression that you are poorly prepared and that your file seems secondary. 

When you use the Sweet Show sales support tool, you create a real environment dedicated to your sales meeting. Your prospect is immersed in the world of your brand, without entering the private side of your workstation. You can easily navigate between the documents needed for your exchange and share them in two clicks. It's the ideal way to make your remote meeting truly professional, with a guaranteed impact on your prospect!  

3. Get reliable data!

By sharing your screen, you generally lose the video aspect and you can quickly find yourself very alone in front of your screen! Indeed, it is impossible to know how interested your interlocutors are in your commercial presentation without seeing their face and their reactions. 

If you have the possibility, think of the double screen! You will then be able to visualize your interlocutor and capture his or her reactions in order to adapt to them: skip an irrelevant part or, on the contrary, insist more on another. 

Once again, don't hesitate to ask questions to your interviewer in order to create an exchange and to clarify what interests him or her or not.

Sweet Show also allows you to get very concrete data about your remote meeting, but also after it! Indeed, after the presentation, you will be able to have the tracking of your commercial presentation, i.e. the time spent on each support and each slide, and thus keep the history of the ones that have generated the most conversation. 

After having sent the sales material to your contact via the Sweet Show sales support platform, you will also have immediate actionable data: which documents have been opened, when, how long... So that you can contact your contact at the right time, and on the right sales issue!

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